Orange County Rideshare Accidents Attorney

Best Rideshare Accidents Attorney in Orange County

For many people, driving services like Uber and Lyft are the most convenient ways for them to move from one place to another. These driving services can be accessed from the comfort of a phone application. Though widely accepted, these driving services do not come without their risks.
One of the major risks that come with these services is an accident. To seek appropriate legal representation when involved in a rideshare accident, you need to know your rights. At Orange County Personal Injury Attorneys, we offer a free case consultation to clients to help you determine the ride-share company’s liability.


Understanding What Ridesharing Is

Ridesharing simply refers to transportation services that are accessed via a mobile app. It is a more convenient transport option from one place to another. Over the last 10 years, ridesharing has grown in popularity amongst individuals across the globe. This has resulted in the rise of many ridesharing companies. Of these companies, Uber and Lyft have proven to be the most common in the US.

To access ridesharing services, you need a smartphone, the app installed on your phone, and your credit card linked. Across the globe, Uber has established itself as the leading ridesharing company with access to over 60 countries.

Since it commenced operation in California, Uber has been able to develop other services like UberX and UberPool amongst others for specialized services.

Orange County Rideshare Accident Lawyers Can Help You File a Claim

Rideshare services have gained enormous popularity in recent years. At the click of a button, one can get a quick ride and get to their desired destination. These apps help people in Orange Country get an affordable lift anywhere they need to go. People have extensively been relying on ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft. 

In a rush to deliver more customers to their destinations, drivers of these services may engage in reckless driving behavior that can cause serious and fatal injuries. If you or your loved one has suffered injuries in an Uber accident, the best rideshare accident lawyers in Orange County, CA at Personal Injury Attorney OC will help you file a claim so you get the compensation they believe you deserve.

While Uber and Lyft ridesharing services have grown in popularity, so have the number of accidents involving them. We take the time to get to know every client’s situation and understand that victims of such accidents might never be able to return to their pre-accident physical or medical conditions after meeting with a rideshare accident. That’s where we come to your rescue!

Common Causes of Uber and Lyft Collisions in Orange County

Our expert team comprising of highly qualified and experienced personal injury lawyers has successfully dealt with many rideshare accident claims. Some of the most common causes of crashes occurring due to ridesharing services include:

  1. Speeding: Rideshare drivers are often in a hurry to get their passengers to their destination. Uber and Lyft drivers on the road are usually found speeding their vehicles as they can have more passengers in a period of time.
  2. Impaired Driving: You might not hear of a Lyft or Uber driver to drive their vehicle after using drugs or drinking. However, it certainly happens. If you or someone you love is injured in an accident and the other driver appeared to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, contact the best rideshare accident lawyers in Orange County, CA immediately.
  3. Distracted Driving: Rideshare drivers are guilty of being distracted every now and then. Many Uber and Lyft drivers constantly use their phones for GPS, to text, and to work within the rideshare app. Also, they get distracted while interacting with guests, trying to reach for something in the vehicle, eating, or drinking.
  4. Drowsy Driving: Many drivers get too tired and they get behind the wheel. Uber and Lyft drivers who drive passengers around the Orange County all night or in the early hours of the morning may be driving after getting little sleep. This increases the risk of a crash or even falling asleep behind the wheel.

Outcomes of Uber and Lyft Vehicle Collisions

Common outcomes of Uber and Lyft vehicle crashes include:

  • Broken bones
  • Burns
  • Internal damage
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Lacerations
  • Traumatic brain injury

As a leading personal injury law firm, we are well-versed in these examples of injury caused by rideshare drivers. We very well know that personal insurance a rideshare driver carries and insurance carried on by Uber and Lyft drivers can certainly help to pay for lost wages, medical bills, pain, and suffering. Our primary goal is to get you the maximum compensation when you encounter any type of injury in a rideshare accident. 

What You Should Do After Rideshare Accidents

Uber and Lyft are extremely popular car ride services. Despite safety measures, accidents can still happen. Rideshare accidents are no different from other auto accidents. If you’re using rideshare services, you must know how to deal with potential injuries.

Here’s what you should do after meeting with a rideshare accident:

  1. Seek Medical Treatment: The first thing you should do is to ensure your health and the wellbeing of other parties involved in the accident. Seek a timely medical treatment if you feel pain. Avoid waiting for the symptoms to become worse.
  2. Call the Police: Calling emergency services following a crash is very crucial to ensuring emergency care to victims. Also, a law enforcement officer can collect the information and details about the collision for a police report, which can help should you decide to file a claim against the other at-fault party.
  3. Exchange Information: Make sure you exchange information with the other driver, including insurance, driver’s license, and contact details. Avoid losing your cool while trading information. 
  4. Don’t Discuss Fault: It is in your best interest to not discuss fault. You may not have all the facts to provide an accurate assessment of what occurred. Or, you may perhaps make statements that can be interpreted as you accepting blame. Never say sorry or admit fault. 
  5. Speak to a Lawyer: Make sure you bring your case to the attention of an experienced lawyer as early as possible. At Personal Injury Attorney OC, our expert legal team can evaluate your case and discuss your rights. It will explain whether you have a valid cause for pursuing compensation for your injuries.

Contact Best Rideshare Accident Lawyers in Orange County, CA

If you or your loved one has been a victim of a rideshare accident, you do not need to suffer in silence or deal with your injuries and emotional distress alone. The expert team of the best rideshare accident lawyers in Orange County, CA at Personal Injury Attorney OC can intervene on your behalf and demand justice for the maximum compensation that you must receive for injuries you’ve suffered.

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