Orange County Wrongful Death Lawsuits Attorneys

Best Wrongful Death Attorney in Orange County

Death is inevitable, and something everyone will experience in the end. However, for many, losing a loved one to an untimely death can be very painful. For a family where the deceased is the sole provider, this can be a lot more difficult. Asides from the many emotional and psychological trauma faced by the survivors, there is also the problem of financial difficulties.

Taking the right legal action for wrongful death allows the survivors to claim compensation for the damages suffered. While the compensation sought can not bring the deceased back to life, it could help ensure the survivors find balance. To follow through on a wrongful death claim in Los Angeles and get the compensation you deserve, you need a wrongful death attorney in Orange County.

What Is A Wrongful Death Claim?

A wrongful death claim is a civil action instituted by the deceased’s family members against the person whose action or inaction caused the death. Several laws provide how this action will be initiated and sustained. Generally, it is the family members or anyone acting in a representative capacity allowed by law to file a wrongful death lawsuit. While there are several causes of wrongful death, the major causes are accidents, work injuries, medical negligence, and reckless driving.

Experienced Wrongful Death Lawyers in Orange County

Few things cause more pain than the loss of someone you love. Whether the loss is a parent, child, brother, sister, relative, or friend, the experience of losing a loved one is beyond imagination. There can be a possibility that the wicked acts of another caused their death. If that is the case, you may have solid grounds to pursue a wrongful death suit, which is why our experienced and best wrongful death lawsuit lawyers in Orange County, CA at Personal Injury Attorney OC will help you every step of the way.

We understand that no amount of money can ever replace the terrible pain of losing a loved one through the sheer negligence or harmful act of another. You may begin to feel that nothing is going to heal the emptiness in your life. 

However, the medical bills before the bereavement, loss of income upon the death of a provider, and funeral expenses can leave you in an unanticipated financial burden. You don’t need to worry about these costs at all in the wake of tragedy. While you express grief and recover from your loss, we can seek maximum compensation on your behalf. 

Common Causes of Wrongful Death

Wrongful death can happen in any situation or location where another person has the potential to exhibit negligent behavior. There are, however, some common causes of wrongful death and these include:

  • Automobile, trucking, motorcycle, or bicycle accidents, which resulted from the thoughtless behavior of another driver
  • Slip and fall injuries
  • Medical malpractice
  • Construction and other work-related accidents
  • Assault, battery, or other deliberate acts, like murder 
  • Flawed products, which include food products

Even if another party (as a defendant) distributed, manufactured, or sold a product that led to the death of someone you loved dearly is also the case of wrongful death. Under California’s wrongful death law, you (as a survivor of a wrongful death victim) are entitled to monetary damages as the result of the unlawful conduct, recklessness, criminal conduct, or inaction of another.

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim?

Submitting a wrongful death lawsuit is not always the first priority of the surviving family members. These members mourning the death of their loved ones are more likely to experience shock or despair. 

Here’s what you need to do after you have discovered the wrongful death of your loved one:

  1. Assemble All of Your Evidence: Proof is of paramount importance when it comes to making a wrongful death claim. Make sure you record all of the patient’s medical details that you remember. That way, you can preserve which events took place in reality.
  2. Preparing for Litigation: Preparing for a lawsuit is a step called pre-litigation. This is where the personal representative of the deceased will need to complete various tasks to prepare for filing the lawsuit, like Setting up the Estate, Investigation, and Identifying & Notifying Responsible Parties.
  3. Negotiation & Settling: This step does not occur in every case. If the party who you plan to file a lawsuit against wants to settle the matter out of court, then it is a good option to consider. It can eliminate the risk of losing the suit, while you still get a reasonable settlement.
  4. Filing the Lawsuit: If the negotiation with another party responsible is not successful, it is time to file a wrongful death lawsuit in the court of law. Every named defendant will be served with this information. 

Contact Best Wrongful Death Lawsuits Lawyers in Orange County, CA

A wrongful death claim is never a pleasant ordeal and a grieving family does not have to worry about complex legal affairs trying to cope with a difficult time. At Personal Injury Attorney OC, our best wrongful death lawsuit lawyers in Orange County CA provide their clients with compassionate legal advice and aggressive representation in court. 

If you have lost a loved one due to another party’s negligence in Orange County, reach out to us to discuss your case. We have successfully helped our clients secure millions of dollars in compensation in wrongful death claims.


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